Friday, December 30, 2011

Tabouleh Salad

Tabouleh Salad

  • ¾ Cups Fine Burghul
  • 2 Cups cold water
  • 2 Cups chopped Parsley
  • ½ Cup finely chopped onions
  • ¼ Cup finely chopped mint
  • ¼ Cup Olive oil
  • 2 Tablespoon Lemon juice
  • 1 ½ Teaspoon Salt
  • ½ Teaspoon freshly gound black pepper
  • 2 Firm ripe tomatoes
  • 2 Crisp lettuce leave
  • ¼ Cup lemon juice, mixed with ½ teaspoon salt

  1. Place burghul in a bowl and cover with cold water. Leave to soak for 30 minutes. Drain through a fine sieve, pressing with back of a spoon to extract moisture. Spread onto a cloth and leave to dry further.
  2. Meanwhile, prepare parsley. Wash well, shake off excess moisture and remove thick stalks. Wrap in a tea towel and place in refrigerator to crisp and dry.
  3. Put burghul into a mixing bowl and add onions. Squeeze mixture with hand so that burghul absorbs onion flavor. Chop parsley fairly coarsely, measure and add to brughul with mint. Beat olive oil with lemon juice and stir in salt and pepper. Add salad and toss well.
  4. Peel and seed tomatoes and cut into dice. Gently stir into salad. Cover and chill for at least 1 hour before serving. Serve in a salad bowl lined with crisp lettuce leaves. Lemon juice and salt mixture is served in a jug so that it may be added according to individual taste.

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